
A Really Cool Blog


A Really Cool Blog

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Darion George

Worsening Twitter Under Musk

February 5, 2023

Darion George

Darion George

The state of twitter


Twitter has been a major source of news and information for millions of people around the world since its inception. However, since Elon Musk became CEO of the company, many users have noticed that the platform has gotten worse in several ways.

One of the biggest changes that Twitter has undergone since Elon Musk took over is the increased frequency of tweets from bots and fake accounts. With Elon's large following and widespread influence, these bots have become more prevalent on the platform, spreading misinformation and propaganda at an alarming rate. This has made it harder for users to trust the information they see on the site, and has led to a decrease in the quality of discussion and debate on the platform.

Another major issue that has arisen since Elon Musk became CEO of Twitter is the increased level of harassment and abuse on the site. With his celebrity status, Elon has become a target for many trolls and internet bullies, and these individuals have taken to Twitter to harass and attack other users as well. This has created a hostile environment on the site, where users are more likely to be targeted simply for expressing their opinions or sharing information.

Finally, the rise of Elon Musk on Twitter has also led to a decrease in the number of meaningful and productive discussions on the site. With so many people focused on Elon and his tweets, it has become harder for other users to get their voices heard or for important topics to be discussed. This has made the site less valuable as a source of information and discussion for many users, and has contributed to a general sense that Twitter has become a less valuable platform overall.

In conclusion, while Twitter was once a great source of information and discussion for millions of users around the world, the rise of Elon Musk as CEO of the company has led to a number of negative changes that have made the platform worse in many ways. From increased bot activity and harassment to a decrease in the quality of discussion, Twitter has become a less valuable and less enjoyable platform for many users since Elon took over.